How to recover from anything and get fit again
How to recover from anything and get fit again
Whether you’ve just had a baby, or you’ve recently sustained an injury, it’s entirely possible to recover and get your fitness levels back on track. Jessica Ennis-Hill, just a year after giving birth, is heptathlon world champion for the second time after winning the World Championship Gold at the weekend. And the six-pack is back too!
With the right level of dedication, it’s amazing how the body can recover from anything. Here are a few tips if you have been injured:
Don’t strain yourself before you are ready as getting back up and running too soon can cause injury. Reduce your physical activity, and use sticks and crutches to ease tension if needed. Seek medical advice! Remember work +REST = success!
If you have been injured, you can reduce any swellings or pain by using splints and casts. Again, seek medical advice!
This can be invaluable, especially if you are suffering from a long-term injury. It can take the form of massage or exercise, and really helps to ease pain and get you back to normal levels of fitness.
Perhaps most importantly of all, you need to make sure you are keeping healthy on a nutritional level, so stay away from sugary foods and alcohol, and make sure you are keeping yourself hydrated.
Listen to your body
And if you have just had a baby, make sure that you wait at least six weeks before returning to your old exercise regime – and even then make sure you seek professional advice first. You know your body, and don’t be afraid to wait if things don’t feel right.
When you do eventually start exercising again – take it slow. Start with gentle walks and stretching. Avoid high energy sports until a little later on.
If you want more specific guidance about how to recover effectively and efficiently no matter the circumstance, we know more than anyone the tricks of the trade to get you up and running again in a matter of months. You don’t have to be Jessica Ennis-Hill to have a fitness resurge, so contact us today and one of our trainers will get you fit and healthy again within no time.