FUNNY OLD WEEK So this week was kind of a transition week for me as I enter a new training phase next week. My training is always planned well in advance, both rowing and strength and conditioning. I look forward to these weeks as it is a chance to take the pressure off and […]
A SEASON IN ROWING The end of the ranking system on the Concept 2 website is upon us and I thought I would take a look back at my experiences, progression and achievements from this year. It has been a good first year and I am glad to have found the indoor rowing community, […]
MARATHON PB Today was my 4th marathon and my times have got quicker with each attempt. A lot of my best times recently have come early in the morning, but today I opted for a later start (10.30 am) to allow myself more time for nutrition and hydration. The truth is today I felt […]
MORE REST PLEASE! Today’s rowing session was a restricted rate one that I would usually do on a Wednesday. Logistically it fitted in better for me today, just managing to squeeze it in between clients. The workout itself was courtesy of Paul Buchanan, a fellow rower, as I had seen he had done it […]
THAT LITTLE BIT EXTRA Today was scheduled to be 8 x 1000m- 3 mins rest, a repeat of a session 2 weeks ago. Same time of day, but different location and rowing machine as I was training at Fitness First with a client. My target was to improve my times from when I rowed alone, […]
MIX IT UP… A large amount of my training at the moment is geared towards improving my rowing times. This doesn’t mean that is all the training I do however. In fact I believe you would be missing a trick if you do don’t involve an element of ‘cross training’. With this in mind I include […]
Tomorrow, Sam and Shane of Fitness Matters will be attempting to break a rowing world record challenge; 1,000,000 metres in less than 3 and half days! It’s all in aid of Sport Relief, a fantastic nationwide fundraising event that helps those in poverty in the UK and across the world.
After the “one million metres” Janurow challenge, we thought we’d have a bit of a debrief. Sam gave us an honest interview about his hectic start to the year…
January is always a month of renewed energy and enthusiasm. But is your dedication beginning to fail? You could see amazing results in just 8 weeks if you stick with it! Take a look…
It’s that time of year again – shorter days and bad weather make it difficult to maintain the motivation to get out there and exercise. Read our top tips to get you going in the rain, wind and snow!