Trying to avoid burning out…. It was Sunday morning and my schedule was some rowing and weights. Now not for the first time in the last few weeks, I had very little interest in doing either of these! That is not uncommon when you exercise frequently as you can’t always be super motivated, but this […]
The story of the EIRC 2015 Manchester veledrome I started to write this blog in the car last night on the way home from the English Indoor Rowing Championships. I like to reflect pretty soon to allow myself to move forward again and clear my mind. However the volume of messages I received and their […]
The story of #Janurow2015 We made it…. February has arrived and that tells me that the dust is settling on a second #Janurow. For all those involved in the event is a pretty full on month, but thanks to many fantastic efforts we hit our collective target. It is a strange sensation that grows […]
Beating the Christmas bulge So that time of year is once again approaching… …you eat two weeks-worth of food in half that time, just to then sit around watching Christmas TV specials in trousers that have suddenly become very tight-fitting… Experts estimate that the average weight gain over this period is anywhere from 1kg to […]
THE STORY OF THE CTC… This month it was the turn of the Fitness Matters Indoor Rowing Team to choose the format of the CTC ( This is an online monthly rowing challenge which provides lighthearted competition for those entering. I only formed the team a few months ago and was surprised that we […]
Race Day….Bristol 2014 So it was a short trip up the road today for my first 2000m race of the season. Training had gone well of late and was getting back on track. This week my legs had felt a little heavy, although this is often the way in the week leading up to […]
We’re launching a new, comprehensive training session aimed at getting you in shape in short, sharp bursts – it’s ideal for beginners and advanced athletes alike.